The Geography Book

The Geography Book

… reminders to simulate wholesome thinking

2 Peter 3:1-2

I love natural geography. So, when I spotted a new book on it was soon to be published, I dropped a hint in the run up to Christmas and, amazingly, a copy arrived from Santa. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Only after finishing it, did it strike me that I’d actually learned nothing new from it. Yet I had still really enjoyed it.

The joy I felt was the joy of affirmation, which is quite different to the joy of discovering new things. It affirmed my love of the timeless subject, my interest in particular places and rekindled my desire to actually go and visit some of them.

It is the same kind of joy I get from reading the Bible. It never gets old. I never tire of its timeless truth. It affirms my reason for living and deepens my trust in God. It is a ‘reminder’ that ‘stimulates wholesome thinking’ as I ‘recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets, and the command given by our Lord and Saviour’ (2 Peter 3:1-2).

Read your Bible to affirm, not just to learn.



Stephen Matthew is a gifted Bible teacher, author and committed church-builder with over 40 years of experience in Christian ministry.