The Mycorrhizal Fungi

The Mycorrhizal Fungi

Rooted and built up in him

Col 2:7

I recently planted some bare root roses.

I like to look after my roses, so keep well-stocked with feeds and sprays for all eventualities. The idea is that as soon as I spot a problem with one, I can zap it back to health.

Yet some still struggle, flower poorly or even die, usually because the plant is inherently weak. So, zapping the symptom is a waste of time; there is a root problem – which is where the mycorrhizal fungi comes in.

This fungus stimulates healthy root production resulting in greater vigour, better resistance to drought and more abundant flowering – which is why I added it to my new plants. 

The Christian life’s like that. We aspire to live a vigorous, fruitful life for God, navigating the dry seasons and pressing on to spiritual maturity. But our ability to do so is all about the health of our spiritual roots, not our ability to zap external symptoms of spiritual ill-health when they appear.

Our root is into Jesus. Rooted in him we bear fruit (John 15:4) and find strength for all that life throws at us. So, keep that root healthy and strong. Abide in Christ, talk to him constantly, be led by his Spirit and remain in his Word.

‘So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him’ (Col 2:6-8).

No more zapping symptoms. Add the fungus to the root!



Stephen Matthew is a gifted Bible teacher, author and committed church-builder with over 40 years of experience in Christian ministry.